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Supporting Linguistically Diverse Students

Series Begins: 
October 27

Understanding how to support linguistically diverse students through a culturally responsive lens

Individual Registration for Pathway: $600 (includes 5 professional learning days)


In this pathway districts will consider how to support linguistically diverse students through a culturally responsive lens, how to support both students and families, and how teachers may infuse language development in their classrooms. 

Participants in this pathway will: 

  • Bolster capacity to support students and families with diverse linguistic backgrounds and cultures using asset-based approaches

  • Gain tools to authentically and deeply engage families in setting and implementing the educational course for their ML students.

  • Develop and expand capacity to infuse language development in the general education classroom 

  • Strengthen skill in developing performance tasks and assessments aligned with content and language standards

  • Understand how to leverage data to support student social and academic growth

  • Identify and address the impact of language difference vs learning difference

Day 1:
Foundations for Equity 

Day 2:
Who are My Multilingual Learners? 

Day 3:
Using Data to Provide Culturally & Linguistically Responsive Instruction 

Day 4:
Structures to Support Multilingual Learners & Their Families

Day 5:
Igniting Change Pathway Symposium 
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